This page contains two newspaper clippings regarding the League's safari-themed dinner and dance to raise money for the Child Study Center.
The Junior League of Fort Worth Scrapbook, 1962-1963
Hyden, Irene KellerThe Junior League of Fort Worth (Fort Worth, Texas)
Mar 17th, 1963
DancesDinnersFundraisersGrand OpeningsNeiman-Marcus Department StoresSocial Events
1960s20th Century
Child Study Center
March 1963 Safari Dinner Dance Fundraiser
Barracuda, JohnBeggs III, GeorgeBroyles, CurlyBurney, Mrs. I. H.Bush, AmyCabluck, HarryCarter Jr., Mrs. Amon G.Etheridge, Mrs. FletcherFender Jr., Mrs. J. ErnestFralia, Mrs. W. PatFriedman, Bayard H.Godfrey, Berl E.Hardesty, Mrs. F. F.Harrison, James M.Hartson, WilliamHenckels, Jack R.Holsinger, R. V.Hyden, EricMeadows Jr., Mrs. Henry A.Patton, Richard E.Rodgers, William L.Ryan, Thomas M.Schutts, Patricia HoneaSewell, Mrs. Robert L.Taylor, Louis E.Tennison, HarryYork, Jack
Fort Worth, Texas