These images provide glimpses of League members, community projects, fundraisers, and more from 1929 until today.
Ellie Burdette works as the office manager for the Junior League of Fort Worth.
Alexander (Lexo) Toradze stands onstage during the awards ceremony for the 1977 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Toradze was the silver medalist.
Patients check in at a public health clinic.
Jo Mercer (right) and Margaret Shiels (left) work on The Corral.
An unidentified member and a child move materials while volunteering at Foster Child Advocate Service for Tarrant County (FOCAS).
Semilla Maddox examines a tricycle in the Double Exposure Resale Shop. On the back of the photograph, she is quoted: "I like to come here and look at the toys because my mommy usually buys me one."