President's Corner, May 1996
It's Time to Celebrate!
Coming Attractions, May 1996
The Lariat Staff, May 1996
JLFW Bulletin Board, May 1996
Training Committee, May 1996
Condolences, May 1996
In Memory, May 1996
Tidings, May 1996
Change of Status: Active to Sustainer
For the Record: Corresponding Secretary's Report, May 1996
Reminder: Yearbook Photos, May 1996
Change of Status: Provisional to Active
Congratulations to Our New 1996-97 Provisionals
Celebrate the Junior League Stars, May 1996
The Provisional Partyline, May 1996
Congratulations to the 1996-97 Nominating Committee and Members-at-Large
Board Briefs, May 1996
Meeting Review, May 1996